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Should You Drink Alcohol If You Have High Blood Pressure?

Should You Drink Alcohol If You Have High Blood Pressure?

Your healthcare provider may recommend a blood pressure medication as well. If you continue to drink, alcohol may reduce the effectiveness of these medications or even cause a serious medical interaction. A 2018 study, echoed by the World Health Organization (WHO), concluded that no amount of alcohol is safe for consumption, as alcohol leads toRead more about Should You Drink Alcohol If You Have High Blood Pressure?[…]

Alcoholic Neuropathy: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatments

Alcoholic Neuropathy: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatments

Of all the deleterious effects of excessive alcohol consumption, neuropathy is the most common. The true incidence of alcoholic neuropathy in the general population is unknown, and figures vary widely depending on the definition of chronic alcoholism and the criteria used to detect and classify neuropathy. Spinal cord glial cells are implicated in the exaggeratedRead more about Alcoholic Neuropathy: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatments[…]